
Hi! My name is Tomisin Oyedele. I’m a 17 year old, soon to be college student and I’m a writer here at Just An Anomaly. I was born and raised in Lagos, Nigeria and I love it here. I'm partly Ghanian but I have never been to Ghana. Btw Jesus is my best friend. I am an extroverted introvert who enjoys art and music. I love travelling and visiting new places. The next two years of my life will be a "journey of self-discovery" which is something I have struggled with for a while.

I love being around my friends and family although I’m a very shy and reserved person. I find it difficult to talk about myself most times but I'm working on it.  Those ordinary people who try their best to make a difference in their society no matter how small are my favorite people. I call them "The Extraordinary Ordinary"
Just An Anomaly is a platform for me to share my views and opinions on different matters and topics that interest me and other people. I hope to make a difference in the world and show my readers that being different and standing out is beautiful. My dream is to inspire people to be better versions of themselves. I hope that my journey and stories motivates and encourages everyone that reads this blog. Thank you for visiting!